Monday, February 15, 2021

The Savvy Event Guru sits down with Mastermind, CEO and Owner of TheHairDoc Studio Mr. Steven Thomas for TheHairDoc Experience....

Set Your Appointment Because The Hair Doc is In!  

    Brilliant mind and a Master at his Craft, Mr. Steven Thomas is known to the World as TheHairDoc.  Steven, has done more in his career than some will do in a lifetime and he still has more to do!  On Saturday January 10, 2021 at 1pm, The Savvy Event Guru sat down with Mr. Steven Thomas at TheHairDoc Studio Salon and learned more about how Steven has built his empire! 


The Savvy Event Guru: Thank you so much Steven for meeting with me today!  I am very excited to learn more about you and your business.

TheHairDoc: You're very welcome! 

The Savvy Event Guru: So who is Steven Thomas?

TheHairDoc: Who is Steven Thomas? Well, I am someone who is fun, very creative, crazy at times and I would also consider myself to be a very humble person.  

The HairDoc: I tell people "If you want to know who Steven Thomas is, then invest your time in me and sit in my hair chair. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow, so it sounds like you are a very well rounded and balanced individual! In this type of business it is important to keep a leveled head.

The Savvy Event Guru: So where are you originally from? Are you from the DMV area? 

TheHairDoc: No, I am originally from Winnsboro, South Carolina. I moved to Baltimore a little over 10 years ago. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Okay very nice! So what brought you to the DMV area?

TheHairDoc: Well, as a recommendation from one of my family members, I was told that in order to grow and expand my brand, I would need to move to a place where the growth would be possible.  I also had family in Baltimore, MD so it was a WIN WIN situation for me. 

TheHairDoc: The opportunity was there so I took it! 

The Savvy Event Guru: Thank you for sharing, when the door of opportunity knocks, you need to answer! 

The Savvy Event Guru: What and/or who would you say has been a heavy influence in your life?

TheHairDoc:  First, I would have to say my mother has been a heavy influence in my life. My mother is a Registered Nurse (RN) and she has sacrificed a lot for me! 

TheHairDoc: Next, I would have to say my Hair School Teacher Ms. Joy, has had a heavy influence on my life! 

TheHairDoc: My teacher said to me one day, "You are a Star! You have it in you and you will be amazing! Those words stuck with me! 

TheHairDoc: Last, I would have to add that 2 of my favorite Industry influences on Instagram is Alonzo Arnold and Tokoy Styles! Both do amazing work! 

The Savvy Event Guru: So, it sounds like you have great support from family and in your professional career. Support is great and will help you advance in your career!

The Savvy Event Guru: What influenced you to go into the Hair Care Business? 

TheHairDoc: I never thought in a million years that I would be working in the Hair Care Industry. Working in the Hair Care Business was the furthest thing from my mind. I actually wanted to be a Shoe Designer!  It was my dream to design a high heel shoe, but when the opportunity fell into my lap, to be a Hair Stylist, I just went for it!

TheHairDoc: It was a natural talent for me. I knew once I began this journey, I would stick with this field and I had to "master" it.  I began making Hair products from scratch with vitamins at my home in my kitchen. It was important to me to create products that would strengthen the hair and protect the hair as well.  

The Savvy Event Guru: Okay, this is good stuff! When and where did you attend Hair School?

TheHairDoc: I attended The Baltimore Studio of Hair Design from 2008-2009. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Okay.

The Savvy Event Guru: So what "Vision" did you have for yourself once you began work in Hair Care business?  What did you see yourself doing in the Hair Industry?

TheHairDoc: My "vision" as a Hair Care Professional is to educate clients on how to take care of their hair.  What products to use in your hair what products not to use. I also saw myself creating beautiful and unique hairstyles that my clients will love! 

The Savvy Event Guru: Very expressive!  When did you open up your own Salon? Is the Studio here in Beltsville, MD your first Salon location?

TheHairDoc: So in 2013, I moved to Prince George's County in Maryland.  I operated TheHairDoc Studio out of a Salon Suite for a few years and in August 2019 I closed on my own Turn-key Salon location in Beltsville, MD.  I opened the Doors to my NEW Salon 2 months prior to COVID shutting the businesses down. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow, that is amazing! Congratulations on the opening of your Salon! It is very unfortunate that you had to close your doors after only 2 months after opening! 

TheHairDoc: Thank you so very much! It's been an incredible achievement for myself and my business.

The Savvy Event Guru: So would you consider yourself a Stationed Salon Hairstylist or do you Travel or Make House Calls to your clients?

TheHairDoc: I would say both! I of course as you know have my Salon and when my client's call I do travel to their location. 

TheHairDoc: I have been very fortunate to travel and meet my clients in California , New York, Texas and I have also traveled internationally to Italy, Belize, to Paris for Paris Fashion Week, Jamaica and Dubai.  

TheHairDoc: Where ever my client's are in the world I will travel to them. 

The Savvy Event Guru: That is such a blessing to be able to travel to different parts of the world to meet with your clients.  

The Savvy Event Guru: What products and services do you offer to your clients?

TheHairDoc: My services and products include Wig creations, Sew-in Weave services, Cleaning, Deep Conditions and Color for Wigs, Cleaning and Color for Extensions, Hair Care and education for hair. At one time I did offer services for Natural Hair clients, but I no longer. 

The Savvy Event Guru: You definitely have an array of services you offer. So I now know who to call when a Girl needs a Beautiful Wig or a Cute Weave! Thank you for sharing! 

The Savvy Event Guru: So you mentioned education; is there anything you do with your business to promote the importance of Hair Care Education. 

TheHairDoc: Well, one thing that I like to do on my "Birthday" is give back to the Hair Industry by teaching a "FREE" Hair Class to Students at the Empire Beauty School located in Baltimore, MD. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow that is very impressive.  Giving back is important! "To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required"! 

The Savvy Event Guru: So, to switch subjects a little, when did you begin working with Celebrities?

TheHairDoc: So back when I moved to Baltimore, MD, I was working for a Club in Baltimore and I was a part of a Glam Squad for Club owner  & Promoter Tracy Stafford. Tracy Stafford, would have celebrity guests come to the club and she would provide them with Hair & Make-up Services and during that time is when I began working with celebrities.

The Savvy Event Guru: Okay wonderful, I know that you have had some great experiences!

TheHairDoc: Yes, I have. When this opportunity fell into my lap, I also made it my business to network and meet a lot of people behind the scenes. My name began to spread like "fire" and celebrities began to "ring" my phone. 

TheHairDoc: I am grateful for the many blessings and for the life I have been fortunate to live.

The Savvy Event Guru: I love that you are very humble. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Who are some of the Celebrities you've had the pleasure of working with?

TheHairDoc: Some of the Celebrities, that I have been fortunate to work with include Reality TV Star, Mrs. Nene Leakes, during Season 5 of The Real housewives of Atlanta, Lil Kim, Reality TV Star Ms. Porsha Williams of the Real Housewives of Atlanta and "The Grand Dame of The Potomac", Mrs. Karen Huger from the Real Housewives of Potomac. 

Ms. Porsha Williams & Mrs. Karen Huger

Mrs. Karen Huger, "The Grand Dame of The Potomac"

Ms. Porsha Williams

TheHairDoc, Steven Thomas with Mrs. Karen Huger on "Watch What Happens LIVE with Andy Cohen

TheHairDoc, Steven Thomas with Mrs. Karen Huger 

TheHairDoc, Steven Thomas with Ms. Porsha Williams

TheHairDoc, Steven Thomas with Mrs. Karen Huger on "Watch What Happens LIVE with Andy Cohen

The Savvy Event Guru: Wonderful!  I saw you on a few episodes of Season 5 of The Real Housewives of Potomac, displaying some of your gorgeous work!

TheHairDoc: Yes, I was on a few of the episodes! Thank you so much!

The Savvy Event Guru: You're very welcome!

The Savvy Event Guru: So what would you say has been one of the "highlights" of your career? 

TheHairDoc: One of the biggest highlights of my career has been opening up my beauty salon.  It is the BEST feeling every morning when I come to my place of business and turn the key to my Salon!!

The Savvy Event Guru: And it's a GORGEOUS Salon! I love the Decor in your salon.  It's very warm and inviting!

TheHairDoc:  Thank you so much!

TheSavvy Event Guru: You're very welcome! Are there any other career "Highlights" that you would like to mention?

TheHairDoc: I would have to say another highlight of my career would be when I graduated from Hair School.  The funny thing is that this was not one of my dreams, but was definitely a HUGE accomplishment and "highlight" for me.

TheHairDoc: Another great "highlight" in my over all career would be my internship with BET(Black Entertainment Television).  I was a "Clothes Stylist" for several TV Shows for BET and a "Clothes Stylist" for several Photo Shoots for BET. The experience of working at BET was Amazing! 

The Savvy Event Guru: I can imagine that it was an amazing experience. 

The Savvy Event Guru:  Now, I know that there are several different Hair Shows, Hair Expo opportunities for HairStylist, etc., but because of the Pandemic, Hair Shows have been shut down.  Prior to COVID did you coordinate events or attend other events that pertained to your business?

TheHairDoc: Yes, I have participated in some shows. To be exact one of the events that I have participated in is the Bronner Brothers Convention. This event is held once every year. It's a convention for Hair Industry Professionals. The Bronner Brothers Convention is held in Atlanta, GA.  The year that I was chosen to be a Judge for the Convention, COVID hit and the event was cancelled! 

The Savvy Event Guru: The Pandemic has shut a lot of events down. It has been a hard experience to deal with.  

TheHairDoc: Yes it has been. 

TheHairDoc: As far as events for my business, every year I hold a $100 Weave Sale for my clients. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Very Nice! I know this sale is something your clients look forward too.

The Savvy Event Guru: So due to the Pandemic, has business slowed down for you?

TheHairDoc: Yes, my business has slowed down. As mentioned earlier, I was in my Salon for 2 months before I had to close my doors because of the Pandemic. 

The Savvy Event Guru: What kind of adjustments have you had to make with your salon due to the Pandemic?

TheHairDoc: I have had to made several adjustments to the number of people I allow in my Salon at one time, this includes, clients and staff.  I have a "MASK On" Policy as well as other Covid Related policies such as hand washing, etc. to make sure Clients and Staff are safe. 

The Savvy Event Guru: That's Great News! With everyone taking extra precautions to stay safe it is important to know that businesses such as yours are incorporating safety measures.

The Savvy Event Guru: So what does the "Future" look like for TheHairDoc? Are there any plans for an expansion in the future?

TheHairDoc: Yes, the future is very bright. I am definitely looking at an expansion!  I want to create what I like to call an  "Army" of "Hairdocs".  

TheHairDoc: I want trained hair professionals to duplicate what I do. I want to teach future hairstylist not only how to style and take care of hair, but I want to teach professionals how to be professional in the salon. I also want hair professionals to learn the different Black hair types. I want them to learn the difference between 4A hair, 4B hair, 4C hair, etc.

TheHairDoc: I want to open up multiple hair schools through out the US in the next 5-6 years. My goal is to be the next Paul Mitchell!

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow, that is Awesome! So what else are you working on? 

TheHairDoc: I am working on "TheHairDoc Strains".  I am also working on a clothing line, a Men's Apparel line. I want this clothing line to be versatile, Street and business.  

The Savvy Event Guru: You are really doing a lot of great things.

TheHairDoc: Yes, I have several other ventures I want to birth as well. 

The Savvy Event Guru: Okay very nice! What other ventures are you looking to get into? 

TheHairDoc: I eventually want to invest in a Food Truck business.  The food truck would be located near my Salon. I think this would be great for business. My client's can grab a bit to eat before of after they come to me for their hair appointment. I want the food served to have a unique twist! I want to serve Gourmet Junk Food!😊

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow, that sounds delicious! You are going to be busy!  I commend you for all the work you are doing. Very admirable!

The Savvy Event Guru: What quote, lesson or advice can you leave with me today? Something to be shared!

TheHairDoc: Hmmm I would say "That in order to experience growth you have to make yourself uncomfortable".

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow, very powerful words! Thank you. 

The Savvy Event Guru: So how can one get in touch with you?

TheHairDoc: For More Information on Our services or to make an appointment please go to the website

TheHairDoc: You can also follow Us on Facebook at TheHairDoc and on Instagram @thehairdoc 

The Savvy Event Guru: Wow well this has been such a treat!  Thank you so much Steven, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. Congratulations again on your New Salon! I look forward to reading and watching to see all that you will do in the future!  

TheHairDoc: Thank you so much its been a pleasure!


The Savvy Event Guru & TheHairDoc at MGM DCFW Kickoff  Networking Event February 20, 2020

The Savvy Event Guru & TheHairDoc at TheHairDoc Studio January 10, 2021 for Our Interview


Photo by Ms. Jackie Hicks, Make-up by Ms. Letitia Thornhill 

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